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get in touch to discuss how our training can best support your team - 07756 900 464 - 07990 550 870
How can we work with you?
Developing new skills means using them every day in our work and our interactions with others until they become second nature. Embedding new behaviours requires incremental development and practice.
This doesn't happen in a one-off corporate training session
(which is why so much training is forgotten and neglected).​
We provide the right balance of learning and practical exercises to embed new behaviour. Our courses comprise of a mix of classroom learning, takeaway exercises, personal feedback, peer-to-peer learning and group discussion.
4and20Million sessions are energising, thought-provoking and have a lasting impact.
Before we get there though, all our work starts with a chat - over coffee, in person or on the phone.
Say hello, get to know us and we'll provide you with a proposal for working together.
No cost, no obligation.
We look forward to hearing from you!


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